Okay, don't laugh, this is actually my first animated gif. It is being used on an Access database form.
0.9mb indeo 5.6 compressed (if you don't have Indeo 5 get it here.)
Landscape created and rendered in World Construction Set V3 & combined with the Lightwave geometry (helicopters, lake and 747) with a front projection map composite.
Lens flares, volumetric lighting and Sky Tracer clouds all composited in seperate layers in Aftereffects. 20 sec. long.
629kb cinepak 3.2 compressed
"Arnolds worst nightmare" T1000 type liquid metal effect done with Hypervoxels & some Aftereffects post processing.

This one is zip compressed as some people have had problems with earlier downloads. Nope, no textures yet (anyone care to volunteer?) just a motion test to get the feel for his animation... Please comment.